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Instructional Intensification & Tier 3 Problem-Solving

Instructional Intensification & Tier 3 Problem-Solving

02:09:48 minutes
The use of evidence-based instruction and interventions is a cornerstone of RTI. However, not all students respond in the same manner to all interventions and some will need intensification within their daily instruction/intervention treatment plan. Data-based individualization (DBI) is a process for intensifying standard protocol interventions when progress monitoring data indicate that students are not responding adequately to current instruction and intervention. Participants will learn the steps of DBI to better inform the student responsiveness to intervention process.
Instructional Matching at Tier 3 Using Evidence-Based Literacy Practices

Instructional Matching at Tier 3 Using Evidence-Based Literacy Practices

02:39:32 minutes
During this session, participants will examine the tier 3 problem solving process within the context of response to intervention and review the critical instructional design features required for tier 3 instruction. Learner profiles related to morphological/syntax-phonological-orthographic (oral and written language disabilities), phonological-orthographic (dyslexia), and orthographic-only (dysgraphia) instructional needs will be presented, and a conceptual framework for selecting tier 3 interventions will be discussed. Overall, interventions related to oral language, spelling-reading, transcription, and composition will be highlighted and a standard protocol approach to intervention will be emphasized.
Intervene with Classwide Interventions | PaTTANpod [S4E4]

Intervene with Classwide Interventions | PaTTANpod [S4E4]

00:16:00 minutes
To achieve positive outcomes for students, our tier 1 instruction, the instruction we provide to all students, needs to be robust. In order to bolster and support those efforts, particularly in math and reading, we need to consider classwide interventions. Dr. Matthew Burns joins PaTTANpod to discuss classwide interventions.
Intro to Tier 3 Problem Solving & Case Study Analysis

Intro to Tier 3 Problem Solving & Case Study Analysis

05:26:56 minutes
This session will provide an overview of Tier 3 problem-solving associated with early reading difficulties and disabilities among students in grades K-2. Cross-disciplinary teams will learn about the etiology and treatment of severe reading difficulties and apply learning through a case study. Link to Materials:
Learning Environment and Engagement Initiative Introduction

Learning Environment and Engagement Initiative Introduction

00:01:56 minutes
Carole Clancy announces an update to the MTSS: Behavior initiative.
Leverage Instructional Practices - Implementation Barriers & Resolutions

Leverage Instructional Practices - Implementation Barriers & Resolutions

01:48:58 minutes
This session will focus on an Implementation Debrief. Teams will identify what barriers they encountered and how they resolved those barriers to the implementation of the integrated lesson-planning process and universal instruction using UDL. Team Exemplar/Showcasing will focus on what they have accomplished and implemented during the Fall semester.
Matching Intervention to Students’ Needs | PaTTANpod [S1E24]

Matching Intervention to Students’ Needs | PaTTANpod [S1E24]

The mismatch of intervention and need is often what causes our students to struggle with actualizing growth and positive student outcomes. Guest, Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden helps us understand matching intervention to students’ needs.
MTSS Enhancing Secondary ELA Outcomes Series: Tier 1 Overview

MTSS Enhancing Secondary ELA Outcomes Series: Tier 1 Overview

03:03:24 minutes
This session is designed to assist secondary practitioners with enhancement of core instruction using evidence-based practices with a focus on providing high-quality writing instruction.
MTSS Middle-High Series: Screening & Intervention Matching

MTSS Middle-High Series: Screening & Intervention Matching

02:53:52 minutes
This session will provide behavioral health and SEL providers with an overview of evidence-based practices that can be integrated within a MTSS framework. Potential data sources to inform instruction and intervention with regard to behavior and social-emotional learning will be explored with participants looking to expand their continuum of supports. Examples of evidence-based approaches and practices will feature universal, targeted and intensive supports matched to data and need.
MTSS Teaming Structures | MTSS Morsels

MTSS Teaming Structures | MTSS Morsels

00:04:38 minutes