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35. Using Sound Walls to Encode Irregular Words | 2022 Literacy Symposium

35. Using Sound Walls to Encode Irregular Words | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:04:06 minutes
Access all of the sessions at This session will provide participants with an overview of how to effectively use sound walls while teaching irregular words, with a focus on orthographically encoding words.
36. First Step in MTSS for Reading? Flip the Triangle Right Side Up | 2022 Literacy Symposium

36. First Step in MTSS for Reading? Flip the Triangle Right Side Up | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:13:40 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Effective MTSS implementation starts with a strong core. This interactive session will demonstrate how to use reading data to identify class wide needs in tier 1 and class wide interventions that can be used to address them. All practices will be supported with research data and can be implemented the next day.
38. Embracing the Scientific Revolution in Reading | 2022 Literacy Symposium

38. Embracing the Scientific Revolution in Reading | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:04:59 minutes
Access all of the sessions at This presentation will focus on issues related to translating research to practice regarding scientific findings of reading acquisition and reading difficulties. First, a summary of the most important findings will be briefly presented. This will be followed with some thoughts on "science" when it is applied to reading research and why some have been reluctant to adopt these findings. Finally, some suggestions will be made about how to help our colleagues “get on board” with the idea of applying scientific findings to reading instruction and intervention.
39. Writing to Learn: Short Writing in the Content Areas | 2022 Literacy Symposium

39. Writing to Learn: Short Writing in the Content Areas | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:58:12 minutes
Access all of the sessions at To promote growth in writing in the upper grades, students must write short products often not just long products seldom. This session will focus on short writing in all domains that will foster learning content while improving writing skills. Emphasis will be placed on using frames and think sheets to scaffold writing of summaries, arguments, comparisons, and explanations in a variety of domains.
40. Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Literacy Classroom | 2022 Literacy Symposium

40. Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Literacy Classroom | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:02:09 minutes
Access all of the sessions at This session will prepare educators to provide culturally responsive instruction. With this knowledge base, educational professionals will discuss the importance of design and meaningful delivery of culturally responsive evidence-based practices in literacy, intended to support all students within an MTSS framework. (K-12)
41. Beyond the Simple View: Exploring Implications for Instruction | 2022 Literacy Symposium

41. Beyond the Simple View: Exploring Implications for Instruction | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:52:54 minutes
Access all of the sessions at The simple view of reading is now well known to many practitioners interested in understanding the science of reading. In the model, word recognition (decoding in the first version) means linking letters and sounds to read words. That is true—but incomplete. Quick, accurate pronunciation of words also depends on knowing word meanings. How can this be? The first goal of this presentation is to explain how word meaning fits into the triangle (connectionist) model of reading (Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989) and relates to the principle of self-teaching (Share, 1995). The second goal is to explain how strong link between word meaning and word reading does not support the “psycholinguistic guessing game” in whole language (Goodman, 1967): It adds to the data that it is entirely wrong. The third goal is to describe the implications of these data for instruction.
42. Supporting Students’ Comprehension and Calibration When Reading in ... | 2022 Literacy Symposium

42. Supporting Students’ Comprehension and Calibration When Reading in ... | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:53:24 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 42. Supporting Students’ Comprehension and Calibration When Reading in Print and Digitally Today’s students spend a good portion of time reading on their computers, tablets, and other digital devices. But what difference does reading digitally have on what students understanding (comprehension) and how well they judge their performance (calibration)? In this session, Singer Trakhman and Alexander will first overview the research on reading comprehension across print and digital mediums and the consistent finding that reading on paper is more effective than reading on screen. The presenters will then share their most recent research that highlights an effective intervention intended to improve students’ comprehension and calibration when they are reading digitally. Singer Trakhman and Alexander will close the session by sharing practical guidelines for teachers and students on effective use of print and digital mediums for improved learning and performance.
43. Coaching for Teachers for Student Success | 2022 Literacy Symposium

43. Coaching for Teachers for Student Success | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:00:01 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Coaching has become a popular model in schools to provide professional development and support to improve the instructional skills of teachers, and the academic skills and behavioral outcomes of students. Unfortunately, few teachers who are being given the role of “coach” are receiving sufficient training or support to adequately perform this challenging role. This situation is often complicated by the fact that few administrators clearly understand this new role or how to provide the essential support that coaches will need to be successful. This session for coaches AND administrators begins with the basics: The research-based rationale for coaching (WHY provide coaching?), WHO makes a good coach, and WHAT are the key tasks that help make coaching successful. The essential difference between coaching and supervision is discussed. Various models of coaching are presented along with an overview of the research-based model of Student-Focused Coaching (SFC; Hasbrouck & Michel, 2022; Hasbrouck & Denton, 2005 & Hasbrouck & Denton, 2009).
44. Spelling Instruction that Sticks | 2022 Literacy Symposium

44. Spelling Instruction that Sticks | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:15:30 minutes
Access all of the sessions at With typical spelling instruction, students are given a list of words to study at the beginning of the week. They complete a few activities during the week and take a test at the end of the week. While this works for some students, others consistently fail the spelling test, and their failure to grasp basic spelling principles is evident in their writing. Effective spelling instruction starts with matching sounds to letters and moves to understanding morphology. Students learn to spell better when spelling patterns are emphasized. Students who are not natural spellers need instruction that specifically teaches pronunciation of the word, ties spelling to the pronunciation, and that, when appropriate, focuses on meaningful word parts. This session includes focused activities and practice that lead to accurate spelling not only on Friday’s spelling test but also in students’ written assignments.
45. Strong Roots: Morphological Awareness in Spanish-English Bilinguals | 2022 Literacy Symposium

45. Strong Roots: Morphological Awareness in Spanish-English Bilinguals | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:01:30 minutes
Access all of the sessions at