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Assessing and Treating Repetitive Behavior and Anxiety in Persons with ASDs

00:58:26 minutes
Intensive behavior analytic intervention for young children diagnosed with autism can produce large gains in social, cognitive, and language development. One critical area to address is repetitive behavior such as stereotypy. Applied research on evaluating and treating stereotypic behavior will be reviewed, focusing on effective interventions for building core adaptive living and social skills, in addition to procedures for treating stereotypic behavior directly. Response Interruption and Redirection (RIRD) research for treating stereotypy has shown that many variations of this procedure can be effective even with individuals with limited vocal, verbal skills. Variations of the procedure and when they are most appropriate will be discussed, along with videos depicting the procedure. This presentation will also describe repetitive behavior associated with anxiety and how to treat it.

Assessment for Students who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing

01:57:26 minutes
The purpose of the training is to present information on assessment for deaf and hard of hearing learners across the cognitive, academic, and social, emotional, and behavioral domains. During the session, we will discuss the importance of multiple measures of assessment and the use of assessment information to make instructional decisions. We will also discuss how to accurately report and interpret assessment results, including how to avoid common mistakes.

Assessment in School-Age TBI: Focus on Executive Functions for BrainSTEPS - Part 1

02:33:20 minutes
The assessment of school-age students following a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) requires not only knowledge of TBI, but understanding of assessment and management strategies that are multidimensional in nature. The complexity of this multidimensionality is underscored in our understanding of executive functions. In general, our executive functions provide most of the regulatory capabilities that permit us to organize and manage our day-to-day functioning. This professional development session will provide an overview of the numerous definitions of executive functions, with a particular eye toward its multidimensionality and ultimate manifestations in school-age students following a TBI. The neurological underpinnings of executive functions will be presented and the importance of the neurodevelopmental process in understanding TBI at specific developmental time points. Attention will be devoted to both specific assessment strategies for measuring executive capabilities and the available intervention practices for executive dysfunctions. For the advanced BrainSTEPS professional, the day will conclude with ample time for discussion and questions.

Assessment in School-Age TBI: Focus on Executive Functions for BrainSTEPS - Part 2

01:23:17 minutes
The assessment of school-age students following a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) requires not only knowledge of TBI, but understanding of assessment and management strategies that are multidimensional in nature. The complexity of this multidimensionality is underscored in our understanding of executive functions. In general, our executive functions provide most of the regulatory capabilities that permit us to organize and manage our day-to-day functioning. This professional development session will provide an overview of the numerous definitions of executive functions, with a particular eye toward its multidimensionality and ultimate manifestations in school-age students following a TBI. The neurological underpinnings of executive functions will be presented and the importance of the neurodevelopmental process in understanding TBI at specific developmental time points. Attention will be devoted to both specific assessment strategies for measuring executive capabilities and the available intervention practices for executive dysfunctions. For the advanced BrainSTEPS professional, the day will conclude with ample time for discussion and questions.

Assessment of Skills Related to Teaching Tacts of Parts and Features

00:02:20 minutes
This segment provides an overview of assessment strategies for critical precursor skills necessary for introducing a formal tact of parts and features program as well assessment procedures for identifying existing skills a child may demonstrate related to tacting parts and features.

Assistive Technology for Youth with Complex Needs

02:05:53 minutes
Assistive Technology (AT) is an essential component of success for transition-age students with complex needs. Students who have the opportunity to experience and use a variety of tools in school for such tasks as communication, organization, navigation, and recall are more likely to transition successfully to adult life. This session will provide participants with a fresh perspective on the role of AT in transition as well as provide guiding questions and suggestions for addressing AT during multiple points throughout IEP development.

AT for Emergent Literacy: Making Comprehensive Literacy Instruction Accessible to All Students

02:56:45 minutes
This session will explore comprehensive emergent literacy instruction and assistive technology options for students with complex instructional needs. Emergent literacy is the foundation upon which conventional literacy skills develop, but the nature of complex disabilities creates barriers to participation in early literacy experiences. Students with significant disabilities stagnate in their literacy growth unless school teams systematically create access to comprehensive instruction. This session will demonstrate how school teams can analyze the nature of a student’s disabilities to create access (both with assistive technology and with changes to their instruction) to participation in shared reading, listening comprehension, alphabet instruction, phonological awareness, word study, and writing for all students.

AT Tools for Complex Computer Access - Hands On Lab

00:56:26 minutes
This "hands-on" lab will be a continuation of the morning workshop titled Configuring and Teaching AT Tools for Complex Computer Access. Knowing how to integrate systems is critical to creating more efficient and independent learning environments for students with complex bodies. The most commonly available powered chairs, with computers and on-screen keyboards, will be available to allow participants to work with the remote programmers, joysticks, and alternative head array access for use with the computer, using "Bluetooth" access, as well as wireless and hard-wired access. The presenters will focus on mouse emulation, directed mouse access, as well as scanning in this session. In this "lab" experience, the presenters will focus on both configuring the equipment and teaching its use.
AT Your Service: The Crucial Role of Assistive Technology (AT) Specialists | PaTTANpod [S5E9]

AT Your Service: The Crucial Role of Assistive Technology (AT) Specialists | PaTTANpod [S5E9]

00:17:38 minutes
Assistive technology removes barriers and increases access for students with disabilities. Assistive technology includes a wide range of devices, as well as services to support the selection, acquisition, and use of AT devices. AT consultants play a crucial role in these services.

Batter Up! Sports Vocabulary for Interpreting P.E. Classes and Team Sports

01:58:31 minutes
Educational interpreters are called upon to interpret physical education classes, team sports and classroom content that may include sporting events. The setting for these events is extremely varied, including the classroom, gymnasium, athletic fields, swimming pools and stadiums. To provide quality interpretations that meet the needs of the student athletes who are deaf or hard of hearing, knowing the sign vocabulary associated with that sport is not enough. Setting up the plays, defense, offense and strategies is vital to provide access to the information and to enable the student to participate and perform to the best of her ability and potential. Participants will discuss and practice not only the vocabulary associated with sports, but also the discourse structures that may be used by the PE teacher or coach.