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Classwide Reading Intervention (Grades 2 - 5) [Part 1]

Classwide Reading Intervention (Grades 2 - 5) [Part 1]

02:19:42 minutes
Link to handouts: This training will address how to use literacy screening data to determine need for a classwide reading intervention. A peer-mediated intervention for addressing those needs will be explicitly shared that focuses on partner reading and paragraph shrinking. A fidelity tool will be provided to guide instruction to scaffold implementation and outcome data will be shared demonstrating the positive effects of classwide reading intervention.
Classwide Reading Intervention (Grades K-1): Implementation – Team Sharing

Classwide Reading Intervention (Grades K-1): Implementation – Team Sharing

01:11:25 minutes
The Classwide Reading Intervention (Grades K-1): Implementation series covered how to implement phonlogical awareness, letter sound, and word-building classwide interventions that are based on research. In this video K-1 Grade Level Teams of Reading Teachers who participated in the series will present on the impact of their classwide reading intervention on student reading outcomes and classroom experiences. LINK TO HANDOUTS:
Creating a Chart, Entering Data, and Rate of Improvement on Chart Dog

Creating a Chart, Entering Data, and Rate of Improvement on Chart Dog

This video will review the use of Chart Dog as a tool to assist with rate of improvement calculation within the Response to Intervention determination process.
Determining Response to Intervention (RtI): Customizing Early Reading Goals Through Survey Level

Determining Response to Intervention (RtI): Customizing Early Reading Goals Through Survey Level

This video will provide an overview of determining essential needs and "root cause" using survey level assessment and determining RTI via progress-monitoring in order to inform instructional intensification.
Effective Core Writing Instruction - Handwriting Grades K-2

Effective Core Writing Instruction - Handwriting Grades K-2

01:02:39 minutes
This webinar provides optional, supplemental information for K-2 handwriting specific instruction as well as a Tier 1 assessment. LINK TO HANDOUTS:
Effective Universal Instructional and Evaluation Practices

Effective Universal Instructional and Evaluation Practices

01:44:45 minutes
This session will focus on Effective Universal Instructional & Evaluation Practices including the use of evaluation rubrics that align with the Principles of UDL. Participants will have the opportunity to share their discussions, actions and practices since the first webinar. The use of Fidelity Checklists/Peer Observation methods to support the implementation of the integrated lesson planning will be shared and discussed. LINK TO MATERIALS:
Feeling Your Best Self: Simple Strategies for Promoting Emotional Well-Being

Feeling Your Best Self: Simple Strategies for Promoting Emotional Well-Being

01:26:29 minutes
In this session, emotional well-being and its importance in student success and total health across life stages will be introduced. Attendees will learn and practice evidence-informed strategies for strengthening emotional well-being, with focus on simple strategies for "feeling your best self". Attendees will develop a plan for incorporating teaching and reinforcing use of simple strategies with students.
Implementation Debrief and Mixed Regional Team Sharing | Secondary Formative Assessment

Implementation Debrief and Mixed Regional Team Sharing | Secondary Formative Assessment

01:32:29 minutes
Various grade-level teams who participated in the session, Secondary Formative Assessment: Questioning and Discussion Techniques, will prepare and share a brief presentations describing and explaining their implementation experience and outcomes.
Implementing and Sustaining MTSS-R with Fidelity

Implementing and Sustaining MTSS-R with Fidelity

03:00:08 minutes
This session will emphasize the continuous improvement process required to implement and sustain a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) in reading and writing with fidelity. Specifically, the National Center on Improving Literacy’s “MTSS-R Checklist” and a system of distributed leadership will be discussed. The presentation will also demonstrate how the elements from the “MTSS-R Checklist” can be used by school leaders and leadership teams to evaluate MTSS implementation and develop comprehensive action plans to support a robust, schoolwide MTSS system. Overall, this session will feature a systems-level approach and showcase resources that can be accessed for immediate application in school settings.
Informed Decision-Making within a Multi-Tiered System of Support

Informed Decision-Making within a Multi-Tiered System of Support

This video will review systems, grade and individual-problem solving processes and practices using reliable and valid data sources to inform decision-making within tiered systems.