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25. Distinguishing Between Difference, Disorder, and Disadvantage | 2022 Literacy Symposium

25. Distinguishing Between Difference, Disorder, and Disadvantage | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:04:02 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Speech-language pathologists (SLPs), educators, and other practitioners have consistently noted the diagnostic challenge observed when attempting to distinguish between the typical linguistic variation of African American English (AAE) speakers, the clinical indicators of language disorder and language delay based on the impact of being reared in poverty. As the development of literacy skills is dependent upon strong language foundations, the early identification and intervention for students with true language and literacy weaknesses is critical. We will discuss evidence-based assessment and treatment practices that practitioners can utilize when working with speakers of AAE and other non-mainstream dialects.
26. How and When To Use Decodable Readers for Maximum Effectiveness | 2022 Literacy Symposium

26. How and When To Use Decodable Readers for Maximum Effectiveness | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:03:07 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Teachers often ask us how to include decodable readers during phonics instruction. This session answers that question. Teachers will learn how decodable texts are critical for beginning phonics instruction, when to start using decodable text, when it is appropriate to move away from decodable text, and how to track students‚ progress with decodable texts. Teachers will also learn the importance of using decodable text to practice a new advanced phonics pattern when it is taught, even though students are capable of reading grade level text independently. There is a brief discussion of the difference between decodable and leveled texts.
27. Effective Vocabulary Instruction: Throw Away the Dictionary | 2022 Literacy Symposium

27. Effective Vocabulary Instruction: Throw Away the Dictionary | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:11:39 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Virtually all experts in the field of teaching vocabulary agree that using the dictionary to teach word meanings is ineffective. So, what does work? We demonstrate a way to teach vocabulary in which students hear the word, say the word, see the word, and use the word, all without a dictionary. Through active participation, participants learn how to (1) have students create their own meaningful definitions, (2) get the word and meaning into long-term memory, and (3) spell the word (in grades where spelling the word is appropriate). The instructional techniques are explicit and multi-sensory, and they connect speech, print, and meaning.
28. Language Structures and Verbal Reasoning | 2022 Literacy Symposium

28. Language Structures and Verbal Reasoning | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:05:34 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 28. Language Structures and Verbal Reasoning: Missing Links in Close Reading Lessons Gough and Tunmer's Simple View of Reading (SVR) identifies two major components of reading comprehension: word recognition and language comprehension. Join Dr. Tolman to experience the 'why' behind the need for direct, explicit instruction for language structures and cohesive ties, two of the many strands that intertwine to enable close reading.
29. The Role of Executive Skills in Literacy Development | 2022 Literacy Symposium

29. The Role of Executive Skills in Literacy Development | 2022 Literacy Symposium

Access all of the sessions at Executive skills are task-oriented skills that underlie students’ ability to learn. They are brain-based skills such as task initiation, sustained attention, working memory, planning, organization, and goal-directed persistence that are absolutely critical to school success. Although seldom taught explicitly, many educators now see that students who are strong in these skills are more successful than those who aren't. This workshop will introduce the 11 executive skills featured in the “Smart but Scattered” model and will describe how they support literacy development.
30. Transitioning from Word Walls to Sound Walls | 2022 Literacy Symposium

30. Transitioning from Word Walls to Sound Walls | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:01:09 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 30. Transitioning from Word Walls to Sound Walls: Why We Should and How To Do It The presenters will discuss descriptive research that Dr. Miles has conducted which demonstrates some of the issues with word walls. Dr. Dahlgren will then discuss how sound walls and accompanying instructional methods should be used to articulate and distinguish between sounds and to strengthen sound-to-letter correspondences. The presenters will also share data on three action research projects that demonstrate the effective use of sound walls. Katharine Pace Miles, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in Early Childhood Education at Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Dr. Miles’s research interests include orthographic facilitation and mapping, high frequency word learning, literacy assessment of students with special needs, and literacy instruction for young children that is both developmentally appropriate and grounded in the science of reading. She works closely with New York City’s Department of Education to support literacy initiatives that impact the city’s most marginalized students. In addition, Dr. Miles supports the alignment of early literacy programs with the field of reading science in an effort to close the research to practice divide.
31. Literacy Leader: Using Your SEDR to Improve Reading Outcomes | 2022 Literacy Symposium

31. Literacy Leader: Using Your SEDR to Improve Reading Outcomes | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:10:25 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 31. Literacy Leader: Using Your Special Education Data Report (SEDR) to Improve Reading Outcomes This session will be geared towards administrators/educators who oversee and/or influence the K-12 literacy program within their Local Education Agency (LEA). Attendees will explore and/or be exposed to the most recent Pennsylvania State Educational Data Report (PA SEDR), as well as, their own respective local State Educational Data Report (SEDR) in order to address and/or interpret their current/future needs regarding programming for students with disabilities. Additional guidance and/or resources will be provided to support Individual Education Plan (IEP) teams and overall student success.
32. Too Important To Fail | 2022 Literacy Symposium

32. Too Important To Fail | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:57:42 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 32. Too Important To Fail: Implementing Literacy Instruction Changes During the Pandemic During this session participants will be engaged in a discussion regarding the changes made in the instruction of reading by the Northgate School District during the pandemic. Information will be shared regarding the Pennsylvania Dyslexia Pilot and how this was critical in moving these efforts forward. The critical aspects of the change process will be shared and pitfalls will be discussed.
33. Syllables or Morphemes? When to Teach Which and Why | 2022 Literacy Symposium

33. Syllables or Morphemes? When to Teach Which and Why | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:09:09 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Many students learn to read one-syllable words with relatively little difficulty, but they find it much harder to read polysyllabic words (with more than one syllable). This presentation includes (a) an explanation why polysyllabic word reading is difficult based on reading science and (b) easy-to-implement research-based strategies to help students read those long words using information about syllables and morphemes.
34. Inference: Multiple Contributions to Comprehension | 2022 Literacy Symposium

34. Inference: Multiple Contributions to Comprehension | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:04:49 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Comprehension involves creating a meaningful representation of the text within the reader’s mind. The skilled reader builds this mental model by intertwining background knowledge with the semantics, syntax, structure of the text. Inference plays a critical role in integrating and constructing this representation at successive levels of understanding including the meaning of words, sentences and what is implied in the text. Let’s explore inference, its multiple contributions to comprehension and related instructional implications and applications.