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60. Students’ Math Pathway: Putting Your Students on the Path to Progress, ... | PBIS 2023

60. Students’ Math Pathway: Putting Your Students on the Path to Progress, ... | PBIS 2023

01:05:57 minutes
60. Students’ Math Pathway: Putting Your Students on the Path to Progress, Proficiency, and Beyond! Join us in this session to explore the newly designed PVAAS Student Reports which offer a view into a student’s “digital backpack” of both longitudinal assessment history and PVAAS projections to future assessments. Through this new reporting, you can access a range of student level information one tile at a time to use for a range of purposes in supporting individual student needs for instruction, enrichment, and support. Maybe you want to know: How has my student performed over school years and assessments? How is my student likely to perform on an upcoming assessment? Time will be allotted for participants to discuss ways of using this new student-level data and to explore their own data or a demonstration site with this perspective in mind.

60. The Youth Voice of RENEW

00:52:34 minutes
In this session participants will experience RENEW first hand through the eyes of youth who have taken the RENEW journey from the mapping process, through action planning, into the wrap-around supports and the transition support that the teens needed to meet their goals and experience success. Participants will hear their stories, and participants will be touched by the results.
61. Planning Standards-Based Instruction for ALL Students | PBIS 2023

61. Planning Standards-Based Instruction for ALL Students | PBIS 2023

00:52:18 minutes
This session will emphasize the importance of grade level, standards-based instruction and collaboration that are at the heart of implementing effective and inclusive Tier 1 instruction. To move both of these components to practice, we will share practical examples, strategies and tools that are based on UDL to support instructional teams to collaboratively plan and deliver universally designed, accessible standards-based grade level content for all students, including those with extensive support needs.

61. Psychological Counseling as a Related Service

01:01:44 minutes
This session will highlight a new guidance document, Psychological Counseling as a Related Service, from the Bureau of Special Education. The session will feature the following: the special education process of assessment, identification of student need, implementation of the related service, and monitoring the continued need for eligible students within a service delivery system.
61. Reading Ready | 2022 Literacy Symposium

61. Reading Ready | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:51:38 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 61. Reading Ready: A Simple, Free, and Effective Emergent Word Reading Approach Dr. Miles will present on her explicit and systematic word reading curriculum for emergent readers. This research-based and easy to administer program is free and has been used in NYC Dept. of Education as a Covid-19 response intervention. The intervention sessions involve multi-modal phonemic awareness, letter knowledge, word analysis, and decodable sentence reading activities. Since summer 2021, her team has trained over 100 NYC DOE staff and over 230 preservice teachers to conduct the 20 minute sessions 3-5x a week with mostly first grade striving readers. Another group of DOE staff and preservice teachers will be trained this coming summer. Preliminary results show student growth in phoneme blending and nonword reading skills. An accompanying manual for caregivers and plans to train caregivers/community members will also be discussed.
62. The Many Facets of Reading Comprehension | 2022 Literacy Symposium

62. The Many Facets of Reading Comprehension | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:13:55 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 62. The Many Facets of Reading Comprehension: Where Does Strategy Instruction Fit? Reading comprehension is multifaceted, and as such requires a multifaceted instructional approach. While teaching strategies is only one aspect of that instruction, is it important? YES! The teaching of reading comprehension strategies has been shown to be effective, so what do we know about how that instruction looks? This session will address the need for brief instruction that engages students in strategic actions designed to develop monitoring skills and flexibility in navigating text in order to create that “mental model” of understanding. Specifically, we will examine: • What leading experts have concluded about comprehension strategy instruction’s limitations and benefits: what processes, when to teach, and how; • The gradual release approach (“I do, we do, you do”) in strategy lessons; • The importance of utilizing Think-Alouds; and • A model lesson in teaching inference.
62. Understanding/Assessing for Dyscalculia | PBIS 2023

62. Understanding/Assessing for Dyscalculia | PBIS 2023

00:56:22 minutes
Around 5% of school-aged children present with persistent difficulties learning numerical and mathematical concepts and skills. Despite the well-known consequences of poor numerical and mathematical skills, research into the symptoms and causes of mathematical learning difficulties lags behind progress in the scientific study of the typical and atypical development of reading and literacy skills. In this talk I will discuss what is known about mathematical learning difficulties (Developmental Dyscalculia) by drawing on research from Cognitive Psychology and Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. I will discuss what we know about the potential causes of Mathematical Learning Difficulties. I will show that there is no single cause for Mathematical Learning difficulties, but rather that such difficulties are influenced by the home and school environment as well as biological factors. Moreover, I will discuss how Mathematical Learning Difficulties relate to other learning challenges, such as Developmental Dyslexia and Mathematics Anxiety. Furthermore, I will discuss what is known about evidence-based approaches to screening of young children who might be at risk of developing mathematical learning difficulties.
63. Science of Reading Professional Development is SOR-ing in PA | 2022 Literacy Symposium

63. Science of Reading Professional Development is SOR-ing in PA | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:26:32 minutes
Access all of the sessions at The PaTTAN MTSS/Literacy team is partnering with the National Center for Improving Literacy to design a Science of Reading course to meet the need for free, accessible Science of Reading teacher training and practice in Pennsylvania. This session will detail and update the development of the course.

64. "We Work Together" - PBIS & Family Involvement

00:47:23 minutes
To implement PBIS with fidelity, parent involvement is essential. This session is designed to share ideas on how to involve parents in PBIS. Lancaster Head Start’s goal is to educate families on the benefits of PBIS strategies to promote their child’s success in the home, school and community.
64. Instructionally-Relevant Diagnostic Assessment of Comprehension | 2022 Literacy Symposium

64. Instructionally-Relevant Diagnostic Assessment of Comprehension | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:59:50 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Educators often describe comprehension as the goal of all reading instruction and assessment. Making meaning from text requires multiple skills and processes that can be difficult to define, disentangle, and measure. Students may struggle with reading comprehension for a variety of reasons, including difficulty with word recognition, lack of background knowledge, trouble drawing inferences, low levels of word knowledge, slow reading rate, and others. Although universal screening can identify the students who are not comprehending, more in-depth, diagnostic assessments are needed to guide next steps for instruction.