Online Learning

Online Courses for PaTTAN offers several course options online that are self-paced and interactive. Participants of online courses may receive credits in the form of certificates of completion, Act 48 hours or some other type of format.

Online Courses for Paraprofessionals

Knowledge and Skill Development for Special Education Paraprofessionals in Pennsylvania
Sessions from PaTTAN’s Special Education Paraprofessional Training Series are available online. Trainings provide practical information regarding educational methods and resources to special education paraprofessionals working with students in a variety of educational settings. These sessions will assist special education paraprofessionals to gain knowledge related to the standards listed in the Pennsylvania Credential of Competency Checklist, and obtain in-service training hours required by Pennsylvania regulations.
Each session is a separate course featuring a synchronized presentation of the speaker, the PowerPoint slides, and captioned text that appear simultaneously on the computer screen. Participants who view a course from start to finish and complete a brief assessment will be eligible to download and print a certificate of attendance indicating hours of in-service training time.
For more information, visit our page for Online Courses for Paraprofessionals.
Other online course Opportunities:

Early Intervention Orientation

This online course provides an overview of Early Intervention including legal foundations, rationale and service delivery. Current trends, practices and processes are described. Emphases also include the importance of family participation and community systems and resources. This course is recommended for newly hired Early Intervention personnel as part of their pre-service training but is not mandatory. You will need to complete the course within a four week time period.



Participants will be able to:

  • The user will become familiar with the theoretical, historical, and legal bases for Early Intervention including federal and state legislation.
  • The user will be oriented to the early intervention service system including the purpose of the State and Local Interagency Coordinating Councils.
  • The user will recognize and know the duties and responsibilities of Early Intervention practitioners.
  • The user will become familiar with assessment and evaluation activities and processes for the purposes of eligibility and identifying ongoing developmental and educational needs of infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
  • The user will gain knowledge in service delivery approaches that incorporate the outcomes and goals of the IFSP or IEP.
  • The user will become familiar with current practices, issues and trends in Early Intervention; including family centered practices, team approaches, inclusion and the use of community resources.
  • The user will recognize practices associated with transition into preschool and kindergarten and/or other community programs.


Target Audience

Early Childhood Personnel, Service Coordinators, Providers of Services and Supports, Preschool Personnel, and Family Members


Individuals attending this course must arrive on time and stay the duration of the course in order to receive Act 48 Professional Education hours. Requests for exceptions are to be brought to the attention of the individual´s Superintendent or IU Director prior to the course.

Topics: Early Intervention, Family Information

Partnering to Build Family Capacity

This course will look at how three primary relationships (parent-child, parent-professional, and professional-professional) in Early Intervention work together to promote and enhance the positive development of children within the context of their families. Participants will have opportunities to reflect on how the use of partnership principles and interaction skills support their relationships with families and positively affect their practice. They will explore strategies to assist them in collaborating with families to identifying family strengths and resources and to help build family capacity. They will have opportunities to reflect on the balance of power between families and professionals and identify practices that serve to empower families.

Topics: Early Intervention

IFSP: Laws and Regulations, Documentation and Developing Outcomes

Each child and family that receives early intervention services must have an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). Professionals and family members use the IFSP as they collaborate, as a team, to address developmental outcomes for a young child with disabilities or delays. The purpose of this course is to provide Early Intervention professionals with IFSP developmental guidelines. The materials in this course focus on state and national laws and regulations related to the development of the IFSP, facilitating the IFSP process and establishing functional outcomes that are meaningful to the child and family.

Topics: Early Intervention

Assistive Technology: Using Environmental and Universal Tools in Early Childhood

Children with and without special needs, often engage with or use assistive tools. Professionals and family members use many different types of assistive tools daily but may not realize it. The purpose of this course is to provide guidance on what assistive tools are, how to make decisions on when to use them, and how to use them appropriately within a child’s daily routine. The materials in this course focus on practical application within the field for professionals to facilitate the use of assistive tools for children and families.

Topics: Early Intervention

The IFSP: Developing Transition Plans

The purpose of this course is to provide specific guidance on how to build a strong foundation for families so that this is a positive experience for them and their child. The participant will learn about the importance of building relationships and identifying resources in the community that promote inclusion and networking. The activities and resources in this course will provide opportunities for the professional to gain a better understanding of the challenges families face and how to help them through. They will also have the knowledge of how to create an individualized transition plan for families.

Topics: Early Intervention

Early Childhood Outcomes 101

The ECO 101 course is intended for audiences who are new to Early Childhood Outcomes and need a basic understanding of the process. This is an overview which includes the rationale for gathering ECO data, what we are measuring, procedures, timelines and steps in the ECO process.

Topics: Early Intervention

How to access your certificates of attendance (once email confirmation received):

  • Click PaTTAN Learn
  • Log on (top right corner of screen)
  • Click “Complete” (left side of screen)
  • Select “View Log” to see ALL trainings completed at a PaTTAN location
  • To print a certificate of attendance click the pdf icon in the “Certificates” column next to desired course
  • PLEASE NOTE: Attendance is completed within 30 days of the end of the training so your certificate will not be available immediately.