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November 7, 2012

Standards Aligned IEPs: Major Points and Misconceptions

This webinar focuses on effective and efficient practices for utilizing Pennsylvania’s Standards Aligned System (SAS) to develop measureable IEP goals that are aligned with PA standards, anchors, eligible content, or an element of the curriculum framework. Particular emphasis is given to skills that commonly need to be addressed when working with students who are struggling with reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Presenter: Marlene Schechter
January 6, 2013

Tools for College and Career Readiness

The series will connect the transition-related indicators of Pennsylvania’s State Performance Plan for Special Education (Indicators 1, 2, 5, 8, 13, and 14) with the goal that every student graduates from high school ready for college or career, and achieves high standards. The series will include content on the individual planning process as well as the broad picture of transition within the context of general education and college and career readiness. Special emphasis will be given to the role of assessment, partnerships with parents and other stakeholders, and student involvement in the transition process. A foundational tool for the series is the Self-Assessment of Current Transition Practices, which guide leaders and their teams to use multiple sources of data to identify program strengths and areas for growth. Handouts include: 1. List of Handouts and Resources Guide - This guide lists all of the handouts associated with this training. 2. Tools for College and Career Readiness Powerpoint - This handout is the Tools for College and Career Readiness Powerpoint presentation 3. CTE Booklet - This handout is the Pennsylvania Career and Technical Education Book 4. CTE Standards - This handout is the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Academic Standards for Career Education & Work 5. Holland Assessment 6. "I" Statements 6-8 - This handout is the Standards Aligned System Linked to the “I” Statements for The Academic Standards for Career Education and Work Grades 6-8 7. "I" Statements 9-12 - This handout is the Standards Aligned System Linked to the “I” Statements for The Academic Standards for Career Education and Work Grades 9-12 8. Activity - Scavenger Hunt

Presenter: Michael Thompson
October 15, 2012

Developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs): Required Elements

This webinar will provide a basic introduction to writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), the document that defines a free,appropriate public education for students with disabilities in need of special education and related services. The session will describe the purpose and contents of an IEP, required forms, the composition of an IEP team, and timelines for the development of an IEP. The session will focus on making connections across all sections of the IEP. PaTTAN resources to assist in developing IEPs will be shared.

Presenter: Diane Funsten and Ann Hinkson-Herrmann
September 5, 2012

Data-Based Problem Solving: A Four Step Process

This webinar session will provide an introduction to a teambased structured problem-solving process using behavior data. Participants will learn to use data to drive teaching and reinforce expected behavior and to identify and address problem behavior utilizing this process. Participants will be given the opportunity to complete “application assignments” that will provide guidance as to which tier of intervention to implement the problem-solving process. Handouts include: 1. Data-Based Problem Solving for Behavior powerpoint 2. Self-Assessment of your School’s Data-based Support System for Behavioral Issues sheet

Presenter: Karen Elfner Childs
July 9, 2012

Written Expression Instruction: From the Paragraph to the Essay Grades K-5

Composing written products is a demanding skill for any individual, but is particularly difficult for struggling students. Dr. Archer will present a model that divides written expression instruction into two components: 1) teaching the attributes of the written product utilizing a standard-based rubric and illustrating it with an example (WHAT), and 2) teaching the process of writing using writing frames, strategies, and think sheets to scaffold the writing process (HOW). These instructional components will be demonstrated with a number of written genre that reflect the demands of the state standards. Handouts: 1.) Part 1: Writing Foundations – This is the first PowerPoint to accompany the presentation. 2.) Part 2: Writing Genre – This is a second PowerPoint. 3.) Part 2: Writing Common Core – This is the third PowerPoint. 4.) Part 2: Writing Examples – These examples are based on the program REWARDS Writing currently in development. 5.) Writing Foundation Examples – Kindergarten through Grade 5

Presenter: Anita Archer, Ph.D.
April 16, 2012

Master Series: A Behavior Analysis in Language Development Programs for Students with Autism

he National Autism Center’s Standards report highlights the centrality of applied behavior analysis as evidence based practice for interventions with children with autism. This session will review the basic principles of applied behavior analysis for guiding school-based language programs for students with autism. The session will review basic teaching procedures for establishing important speaker skills including requesting, labeling, and responding in conversational skills. The session will suggest various means of providing effective instruction including both structured teaching and natural environment training. Handouts include: 1) Behavior Analysis in Language Development Programs for Students with Autism Morning PowerPoint 2) VB MAP Materials 3) Level 1 Intervention afternoon PowerPoint 4) Level 2 and 3 Intervention afternoon PowerPoint 5) Standard Data Sheet 6) First 300 Noun Language List

Presenter: Mark Sundberg, PH.D., BCBA-D
April 9, 2012

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce: A School-Based Model for Functional Behavioral Assessment

The Prevent-Teach-Reinforce(PTR) model of behavior support is a team-based, systematic, structured process for supporting students with challenging behaviors that have not been resolved satisfactorily with classroom and school wide behavior management systems. PTR utilizes scientifically validated practices of functional behavior assessment, reinforcement and teaching new behaviors. PTR is a structured, team-based functional behavior assessment (FBA) process that is easily implemented by school based teams. All students are evaluated using a standardized assessment process. Interventions for students include at least three components including prevention procedures, teaching and reinforcement. During this training session, Dr. Iovannone will teach the five steps of the PTR process: teaming, goal setting, assessment, intervention and evaluation. Participants will use case studies to practice new skills and further their understanding of the purpose and procedures of each step of PTR. Handouts include: 1. Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Powerpoint 2. Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Activity Packet 3. Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Blank Forms

Presenter: Dr. Rose Iovannone
February 22, 2012

Behavior Assessment in a Three Tiered Behavior Support Model

This training will: -Provide a rationale for assessment across three tiers -Provide examples of systematic assessment practices that will lead to effective and sustainable behavior supports -Embed behavior assessment in a problem solving framework

Presenter: Greg Llwelleyn
February 8, 2012

Writing Standards-Aligned Measurable Annual Goals for Secondary IEPs

This PowerPoint was utilized during the February 9, 2012 webinar regarding writing standards-Aligned Measurable Annual Goals for Secondary IEPs Federal requirements for Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students ages 14 and older include “coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals, and transition services that will lead to post-secondary goals.” Measurable annual goals aligned to Pennsylvania Academic Standards for reading, math, writing, and other academic skills are recommended as effective practice for students, regardless of nature of disability. This webinar session was specifically designed for participants who have completed Indicator 13 training. During this training, participants will review in detail the process for developing standards-aligned measurable annual goals that prepare students to achieve their post-secondary goals. Participants will practice writing one or more standards-aligned measurable annual goals based on clearly identified present levels of academic achievement and functional performance. *Note that the webinar content has been slightly altered in May 2012 to reflect the recent elimination of the PSSA-M.

Presenter: Rosemary Nilles, Michael Stoehr
February 2, 2012

Educational Benefit Review Process for IU TACs

The purpose of the Educational Benefit Review (EBR) is to determine if a student with disabilities´ current IEP is reasonably calculated for the student to receive educational benefit. This session will review the legal and regulatory basis for EBR, provide participants with tools with which to support school districts through the EBR process and provide guidance for improving educational benefit for students with disabilities. Handouts: 1. Educational Benefit Review powerpoint

Presenter: Patrick Scanlon