Professional Learning

Use these resources to learn more about using AI in the classroom.



Where does AI fit into the CS Standards for CS Teachers?

Explore the CSTA Standards for CS Teachers

Standard 1. CS Knowledge and Skills 
What is AI? How is data science, machine learning and algorithms used in AI.

Standard 3. Professional Growth and Identity 
Are the next centuries jobs coming from AI and what does that look like? Will I have to confirm I am not a robot everyday? How do we retain our identity through a world of chatbots, etc. 

Standard 4. Instructional Design 
What does the landscape of AI look like in our homes? Schools? Workplaces?

Standard 5. Classroom Practice 
What does AI pedagogy look like? How will education and educators stay ahead of the curve? 


Professional Learning Resources

PaTTAN Professional Learning Opportunities

CSinPA Micro-credential courses

As part of our CS Micro-credential program, we have introduced 2 new AI courses
Learn more about the CSinPA Micro-credential courses

Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: Introduction (2 hours)
The course is designed to provide an overview of what AI is, how it can be used to support the work of teachers, and how teachers can utilize AI as a tool to streamline common tasks such as planning and communication. This course is the first in a series focused on exploring how new developments in Artificial Intelligence are impacting the landscape of teaching and learning in Pennsylvania.

Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: Integrating AI to Support Student Learning (4 hours)
This course will continue to explore the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational settings, specifically focusing on integrating AI tools into lesson activities to support students' learning.

Pop-Up Practices

As part of our Pop-Up Practices video series, we have introduced 3 new AI videos

AI for Teaching and Learning: Part 1
How AI supports teachers

AI for Teaching and Learning: Part 2
How AI supports students

AI for Teaching and Learning: Part 3
How AI supports special education

External Professional Learning Opportunities

MindSpark (free webinars to learn foundational concepts and classroom ideas (1. AI and Ethics, 2. AI and Machine Learning and 3. Preparing to teach AI)

ElementsofAI (University of Helsinki, Introductory course, Part 1)

The 29 Best (And Free) ChatGPT and Generative AI Courses and Resources (Forbes)

CS50 Introduction to AI with Python (one of Harvard’s famous mooc courses)

ElementsofAI (University of Helsinki, Introductory course, Part 2)