AI Tools and Resources

Explore this page to find information and links about ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and other AI tools you can start using today!

It is far too soon to say what the lasting impact of ChatGPT will be but one thing's for sure. In a system with too much focus on grading and not enough on learning, ChatGPT is forcing a debate that is overdue. Instead of banning the bot let's look at the lessons and create ways for the bot to help with the learning but not do it for them.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. In the future we could see electronic textbooks that have a chatbot component where students can have the bot read the text to them then ask them questions. If students are having difficulty with any concept, the chatbot can on the spot clarify and review areas where the students are struggling. Looking at the aforementioned Sal Kahn video and really taking into consideration the benefits to AI that outweigh the bad. Think back to when you were a child. For some this could be the work of the calculator being used and education being in an uproar about the way students would cheat or not know how to count, etc. Then there is the innovation that is the internet and Google. That now allows students to look up answers and cheat. Some teachers have made the changes needed to make this better by creating lessons that incorporate the research that can be done on the internet instead of only teaching those things that can be googled.

In this section, you will find a number of resources, links, and information for teachers using AI in the classroom.

NOTE: It is possible that some of these links could be blocked by your school for security purposes.  Do not be frustrated, try another link. And consider asking your school tech department to whitelist the websites.

50 Ways Teachers can use Chat GPT to Save Time

What better way to get a handle on all the hype than to immerse yourself into the recent AI development. Teacher Eric walks us down the path to investigate the ways to help navigate ChatGPT and explore how this aspect of AI can be harnessed as another tool to improve our craft.

Chatbots and AI Tools



Bing AI

a next-generation AI assistant based on Anthropic research into training helpful, honest, and harmless AI systems. 

Khan Academy’s AI for education


Inflection Pi AI

Microsoft Copilot


Guide to ChatGPT in Education

ChatGPT tells faculty how to use it in the classroom

Don’t Ban ChatGPT in Schools. Teach With It

Introducing ChatGPT to Your Classroom

Articles and Links

Learning about ChatGPT and Generative AI

Citing AI/ChatBot text and responses

Quick “how to cite”, for AI references

Federal government copyrights for AI

ChatGPT In Schools: Here’s Where It’s Banned—And How It Could Potentially Help Students

CEO of ChatGPT maker responds to schools' plagiarism concerns: 'We adapted to calculators and changed what we tested in math class' 

What is the Difference Between Conversational and Generative AI?

The 29 Best (And Free) ChatGPT And Generative AI Courses And Resources

Learning about ChatGPT and Generative AI

Writing successful prompts

The Art of Prompting - course

Prompt Engineering 

ChatGPT: Your New Teaching Assistant - LinkedIn

ChatGPT for ID: Automate mini-scenario creation — Educraft

Prompt engineering for educators – making generative AI work for you -Teaching@Sydney

Prompting for Teaching and Learning

AI for Education Prompt Library

More Useful Things Prompt Library

List of AI tools for Teachers

What is AI? - business applications from McKinsey & Co.

Guide to AI - from Washington Post

AI Applications - from SimpliLearn

Educating for an AI World - The Disruption has already happened!

Snapshot of Research from CSforAll -Pedagogical recommendations from CSforAll

AI Tools for Teachers – Rachel Arthur writes

40 AI Tools for Teachers, Educators and Classrooms

AI Tools 

Empowering Educators 

AI Lessons and Links - ISTE 2019 ETC - Links and resources from the 2019 ISTE Cohort 

John Spencer Guide - Very Basic Beginner’s Guide

AI Snapshots - set of google slides (180!) that can be used as warm-ups to start an AI Discussion 


Raspberry Pi - free lessons for secondary school students (age 11 to 14) that give you everything you need including lesson plans, slide decks, worksheets, and videos.

Teachable Machine-Lesson

Day of AI - MIT

Scratch AI 

TeachFX  - Personalized, actionable instructional feedback

Nolej  - Make edpuzzle videos automatically