Empowering All Students in Computer Science Learning through a Behavioral Approach


Session Dates

Friday November 01, 2024 - Online
Tuesday December 31, 2024 - Online

The course is designed to provide educators with a foundational inclusive behavioral mindset when planning Computer Science (CS) learning experiences for all learners.

Participants in the course will self assess and honestly reflect on implicit biases and behavior assumptions towards people with disabilities and concerning behavior.

The course will introduce applied behavior analysis and discuss how foundational behavior principles can be utilized to create clearly defined expectations, rules, and routines within the CS classrooms.

Educators will have opportunities to explore evidence based practices and strategies to support engagement in CS learning.


Educators engaged in the course will:

  • Describe implicit biases and behavior assumptions towards students with disabilities and concerning behavior.
  • Explain how applied behavior analysis connects to the classroom by using foundational behavior principles to clearly define expectations, rules, and routines within the classroom.
  • List evidence based teaching practices and choose practical strategies to support behavior expectations during CS activities.

Target Audience

General education teachers, content-area teachers, special education teachers, English language learners teachers, librarians, specialists, instructional coaches.

Topics Covered: STEM

Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Sadie Hetrick, at 717-901-2273, or shetrick@pattan.net.

Event Info

Event Type:

On-line Courses

Credit Type:


PaTTAN Educational Consultant

Event Contact:


Sadie Hetrick

Content Contact:

Lauren Walker