Computer Science in PA: Why, What, and How
PaTTAN - Online Course
Session Dates
Friday November 01, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course
Tuesday December 31, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course
This course is designed to support educators interested in computer science (CS) education. It aims to provide a fundamental understanding of CS education while examining the current landscape of CS education in Pennsylvania.
Throughout the course, participants will engage in discussions on the importance of computer science (CS) education and explore relevant data. Participants will gain insights into the essential concepts of CS education and explore strategies for integrating CS by examining the CS K-12 framework and CSTA standards.
Participants will
- Articulate the need for CS in education and our communities.
- Describe the current state of computer science education in Pennsylvania, including key trends and developments.
- Access and Utilize the K-12 CS framework and CSTA standards.
- Identify strategies of integrating CS into instructions.
Target Audience
General education teachers, content-area teachers, special education teachers, English language learners teachers, librarians, specialists, instructional coaches.
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Sadie Hetrick, at 717-901-2273, or