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Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Three: OVR 101

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Three: OVR 101

00:02:24 minutes
Welcome to Chapter Three of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. In this video, we will discuss the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and their role in a person’s successful transition.
Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Two: Education 101

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Two: Education 101

00:03:25 minutes
Welcome to Chapter Two of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. In this video, we will discuss the Pennsylvania Department of Education - Bureau of Special Education and their role in a person’s successful transition.
Planning for the LifeCourse Employment Uses

Planning for the LifeCourse Employment Uses

Employment is a hallmark of adulthood and should be available for every person. The benefits of employment are significant for people with and without disabilities. Employment is feeling proud, having self-confidence, getting a paycheck, meeting new people, paying taxes, and building new skills. Daily Life and Employment is one of the Life Domains of the Charting the LifeCourse™. This webinar will feature the employment elements of the Daily Life and Employment Life Domain, including school, employment, volunteering, communication, routines, and life skills. Participants will learn how to use these LifeCourse Tools to help students envision and plan for their employment goals.
Secondary Transition Planning from Multiple Perspectives (

Secondary Transition Planning from Multiple Perspectives ("Transitions" 2019) | PaTTANpod [S1E23]

Preparing for transition or change is a critical factor to success. Hear three perspectives on why transition planning is so vital for young adults.
Speak Up! Self-Advocacy (Transition Conference 2019) | PaTTANpod [S1E27]

Speak Up! Self-Advocacy (Transition Conference 2019) | PaTTANpod [S1E27]

After sharing at the Community on Transition Conference, Angela Lavish and Renee Benise discuss what makes a good advocate and how to advocate for yourself.
The Role of the School Psychologist in Secondary Transition Planning

The Role of the School Psychologist in Secondary Transition Planning

01:54:14 minutes
Learn how school psychologists can effectively serve as partners in the secondary transition process to support students with disabilities.
The Use of Assistive Technology

The Use of Assistive Technology

How can you discuss with an employer how equipment might be used, how it will be paid for, and who might be of assistance in making this work? Join us to hear about communication with potential employers about the successful use of Assistive Technology while on the job. More and more job seekers are using Assistive Technology to be as integrated, communicative, and productive as possible in the workplace. Assistive Technology can tool-up the workforce and assist each employee to have the equipment they need to succeed. People with speech or communication difficulties can use voice generating devices. People who need more support with organizing and prioritizing their work can use handheld devices and apps. People who can’t read get information through pictures or recorded information. These and more scenarios will be presented and discussed. With technology, businesses can be accessible to all sorts of employees and customers alike. It can leverage the talents of many types of workers and create a welcoming and inviting customer experience.
Transition Discovery (Transition Conference 2019) | PaTTANpod [S1E28]

Transition Discovery (Transition Conference 2019) | PaTTANpod [S1E28]

Transition Discoveries is a project intended to provide tools and resources geared towards improving transition practices
Transition Planning with AT (Transition Conference 2019) | PaTTANpod [S1E29]

Transition Planning with AT (Transition Conference 2019) | PaTTANpod [S1E29]

With all the hype about technology, Kathryn Helland from Temple University’s Institute on Disabilities talks about how we can harness technology to assist with transition into adulthood.