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November 30, 2020

Grade 8 - ELA - E08BK1.1.2a - Identify the main idea using 2 or more key details - Ex 2

Intent Statement: Find the common, general thought in the text using 2 or more pieces of specific information
November 30, 2020

Grade 11 - MATH - CC.2.1.HSF2a - Convert between fractions and decimals in a real-world problem

Intent Statement: Recognize the connection between fractions and decimals in a real world situation
November 30, 2020

Grade 11 - MATH - CC.2.2.HSC1a - Determine the missing coordinates in a table of values containing at least 2 complete ordered pairs

Intent Statement: Complete a table that shows the relationship between two characteristics (e.g., height/weight, weather/heating costs)
November 30, 2020

Grade 11 - MATH - CC.2.2.HSC5a - Interpret the effect of a change in one variable on the other variable using graphs or tables

Intent Statement: Using a visual/tactile representation (graph or table) identify the impact of a change in one characteristic on the second characteristic
November 30, 2020

Grade 11 - MATH - CC.2.2.HSD9a - Order a given sequence of steps to solve an equation

Intent Statement: Put two or more steps in the correct order to solve an equation with numbers/quantities
November 30, 2020

Grade 11 - MATH - CC.2.4.HSB2a - Interpret the means and/or medians of two sets of data

Intent Statement: Compare the averages or middle values/quantities for two groups
November 30, 2020

Grade 11 - MATH - CC.2.4.HSB3a -Identify the relationship between 2 or more variables in a function

Intent Statement: Identify operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) that connects two sets of numbers/quantities Examples (Function…add 2, multiple 3, etc.)
November 30, 2020

Grade 11 - MATH - CC.2.4.HSB5a - Draw a conclusion about data presented in a two-way table representing a real world problem

Intent Statement: Use summary data combining two characteristics to make decisions about a real world problem.
November 30, 2020

Grade 3 - MATH - M03AF1.1.3b - Identify equivalent fractions using representations - Ex 1

Intent Statement: Recognize the same fraction amount (equal amounts) using representations
November 30, 2020

Grade 3 - MATH - M03AF1.1.3b - Identify equivalent fractions using representations - Ex 2

Intent Statement: Recognize the same fraction amount (equal amounts) using representations