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Adding and Subtracting 2-digit Numbers (R)

Adding and Subtracting 2-digit Numbers (R)

This video models addition and subtraction using representations for place value.
Adding Integers on the Number Line (C)

Adding Integers on the Number Line (C)

This video is a 6/7/8 grade life skills classroom modeling the addition of integers on a number line.

Addressing Behavior in the IEP

00:43:45 minutes
The question of when behavior impedes a student´s learning or the learning of others is a special consideration that IEP teams MUST address before developing the IEP. What do teams needs to know in order to do this? This session will provide information and resources to guide IEP teams in considering when behavior impedes learning and addressing it in the IEP document.
Administrators Voice- Leading a team of Educators to the shape the future | PaTTANpod [S5E23]

Administrators Voice- Leading a team of Educators to the shape the future | PaTTANpod [S5E23]

00:19:46 minutes
This video will highlight the story of one building administrator who is committed to attracting and retaining staff through building strong relationships, positive school climate and culture through collaboration and teaming. In addition, this video will highlight servant leadership and dedication to providing comprehensive mentorship and supervision for all staff. This episode will also focus on staff retention and why the staff working with these buildings leaders chose to stay in the field of education.
Advanced Practices in the Use of ROI for SLD Determination

Advanced Practices in the Use of ROI for SLD Determination

This session will provide an overview of the use of Rate of Improvement as a method that informs Response to Interventon (RTI) within the context of growth and SLD determination.
Algebra Instruction Using AEC

Algebra Instruction Using AEC

This video provides a sample of algebra instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities using manipulatives and pre-taught knowledge of integers.
An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Chapter  4

An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Chapter 4

01:34:20 minutes
This professional learning opportunity will focus on a number of key concepts. The connections between the science of reading and reading comprehension instruction will be explored. Using the Blueprint for comprehension as an instructional framework for developing necessary skills and knowledge for constructing meaning will be discussed. Multiple instructional examples including unit & lesson plans, activities and resources that support the development of vocabulary, sentence comprehension, text structure and background knowledge, inference and expression of understanding will be shared. The presenter will also reflect on current practices and identifying additional opportunities for informed instruction at varied grade levels for all students.
An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Chapter 5

An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Chapter 5

01:48:00 minutes
This professional learning opportunity will focus on a number of key concepts. The connections between the science of reading and reading comprehension instruction will be explored. Using the Blueprint for comprehension as an instructional framework for developing necessary skills and knowledge for constructing meaning will be discussed. Multiple instructional examples including unit & lesson plans, activities and resources that support the development of vocabulary, sentence comprehension, text structure and background knowledge, inference and expression of understanding will be shared. The presenter will also reflect on current practices and identifying additional opportunities for informed instruction at varied grade levels for all students. Related Materials:
An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Chapter 6

An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Chapter 6

01:26:26 minutes
This professional learning opportunity will focus on a number of key concepts. The connections between the science of reading and reading comprehension instruction will be explored. Using the Blueprint for comprehension as an instructional framework for developing necessary skills and knowledge for constructing meaning will be discussed. Multiple instructional examples including unit & lesson plans, activities and resources that support the development of vocabulary, sentence comprehension, text structure and background knowledge, inference and expression of understanding will be shared. The presenter will also reflect on current practices and identifying additional opportunities for informed instruction at varied grade levels for all students. Related Materials:
An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Chapter 7

An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Chapter 7

01:36:44 minutes
This professional learning opportunity will focus on a number of key concepts. The connections between the science of reading and reading comprehension instruction will be explored. Using the Blueprint for comprehension as an instructional framework for developing necessary skills and knowledge for constructing meaning will be discussed. Multiple instructional examples including unit & lesson plans, activities and resources that support the development of vocabulary, sentence comprehension, text structure and background knowledge, inference and expression of understanding will be shared. The presenter will also reflect on current practices and identifying additional opportunities for informed instruction at varied grade levels for all students. Related Materials: