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Pennsylvania’s State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) Theory of Action

00:07:49 minutes
This recorded presentation reviews the SSIP Theory of Action.

Pennsylvania's SSIP Coherent Improvement Strategy #1 - Early Warning System

00:08:31 minutes
This recorded presentation provides a brief overview of SSIP Coherent Improvement Strategy #1 - Early Warning System (EWS).

Pennsylvania's SSIP Coherent Improvement Strategy #2 - MTSS Academic

00:06:45 minutes
This recorded presentation provides a brief overview of SSIP Coherent Improvement Strategy #2 – Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for Academics.

Pennsylvania's State Systemic Improvement Plan-Full Presentation

01:23:50 minutes
The State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is a comprehensive, ambitious, yet achievable multi-year plan for increasing graduation rates of students with disabilities. This recorded presentation includes an overview of SSIP, the Theory of Action, and information regarding each of the seven coherent improvement strategies.
Phonemic Awareness | PaTTAN Literacy Quick Pick

Phonemic Awareness | PaTTAN Literacy Quick Pick

00:24:00 minutes
Learn to distinguish between the terms phonological awareness and phonemic awareness, explain the role of phonemic awareness in reading and spelling, and consider the unique needs of all learners when planning for and implementing explicit and systematic phonemic awareness instruction in the classroom.

Physical Activity for Elementary Age Children With Visual Impairments, Blindness or Deaf-Blindness - Part 1

02:42:24 minutes
Children with visual impairments, blindness, or deaf-blindness (including students with multiple disabilities) have unique educational needs. In addition, they have very specific needs related to learning in physical education. Physical education is important, as it can cover all domains of behavior, including the affective, cognitive, and the psychomotor. Physical education also covers all of the nine Expanded Core Curriculum components when done correctly. The purpose of this presentation is to teach professionals the specific strategies to teach children with visual impairments in the elementary ages. This includes a variety of resources for participants to take home and share with colleagues and parents.
Planning for the LifeCourse Employment Uses

Planning for the LifeCourse Employment Uses

Employment is a hallmark of adulthood and should be available for every person. The benefits of employment are significant for people with and without disabilities. Employment is feeling proud, having self-confidence, getting a paycheck, meeting new people, paying taxes, and building new skills. Daily Life and Employment is one of the Life Domains of the Charting the LifeCourse™. This webinar will feature the employment elements of the Daily Life and Employment Life Domain, including school, employment, volunteering, communication, routines, and life skills. Participants will learn how to use these LifeCourse Tools to help students envision and plan for their employment goals.
Pondering Possibilities with Assistive Technology: Considering Solutions for Communication

Pondering Possibilities with Assistive Technology: Considering Solutions for Communication

00:02:31 minutes
This video was created to inform families and educational professionals of the possibility of using assistive technology to meet the communication needs of students with disabilities. To learn more about PaTTAN’s Assistive Technology initiative, visit For more information on the SETT Framework, visit
Positive school culture for educators | PaTTANpod [S5E12]

Positive school culture for educators | PaTTANpod [S5E12]

00:15:45 minutes
School climate is a key factor in social, emotional, and academic outcomes for students, but what about their teachers? In alignment with Pennsylvania’s dedication to attracting, preparing, and retaining practitioners in education, specifically in special education, Dr. Salome Thomas-El, better known as “Principal El,” joins PaTTANpod to discuss the relationship between school culture and teacher retention.
Power through Partnership: Lessons Learned in AAC Team Leadership

Power through Partnership: Lessons Learned in AAC Team Leadership

Students who use AAC benefit from support both at school and at home in order to become proficient communicators. When families and professionals partner to provide this support, they are able to maximize functional communication across environments and identify new potential areas of growth. This session will highlight specific ways to invest, empower, and support team members. Participants will learn about numerous resources and strategies that can be used with families and professionals who have varying levels of AAC experience.