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68. Promising New Evidence for Improving Alphabet Instruction | 2022 Literacy Symposium

68. Promising New Evidence for Improving Alphabet Instruction | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:01:24 minutes
Access all of the sessions at In this session, key findings and questions from a published analysis (Roberts, 2021)of four Randomized Controlled Trial studies comparing generic approaches including the use of Embedded Pictograph Mnemonics to teaching beginning alphabet knowledge to preschool students will be presented. Conventions and policy prioritize letter name recognition and capital letter formation, yet until recently very few studies compared generic instructional approaches (e.g. letter order, teaching letter names first versus letter sounds, contextualization, associated images) to letter learning, or, provided conceptual frameworks for procedures or student engagement. Relevance for practitioners and implications for the students who tend to become the most under served in literacy will be discussed.
68. Secondary Students at Risk: IEP goals and frequent progress monitoring toward ... | PBIS 2023

68. Secondary Students at Risk: IEP goals and frequent progress monitoring toward ... | PBIS 2023

01:14:14 minutes
This session fleshes out how IEP goals and frequent progress monitoring are targeted toward attaining MBSP, which then are the focus of Annual and 3 Year Re-Evaluations and Transition Plans. Implications for Direct Services of IEPs are discussed and the importance of prioritizing changes in special education interventions most at middle school to reduce systems’ change pressures at high school. The commitment to professional learning for general education content teachers for doable, research-based Supports for students who need support are discussed. The concept of MTSS as a support system for TEACHERS as well as students is introduced.

69. Preventative Classroom Management: Positive Behavior Support in the Classroom

01:00:41 minutes
This session will highlight effective instructional practices that facilitate responsible student behavior and achievement in the classroom. The importance of preventive, evidenced-based approaches through application of PBS in the classroom will be highlighted with practical strategies shared throughout the session.
69. Translating Science to Practice, and What to do when the Science ... | 2022 Literacy Symposium

69. Translating Science to Practice, and What to do when the Science ... | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:49:47 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 69. Translating Science to Practice, and What to do when the Science Runs Out We all want to follow the best science, but not all science is created equal, and science doesn't answer every question we have. Other treating professions, including medicine and mental health, are faced with the same dilemma: how do we translate an incomplete and imperfect science into practice? Recognizing and understanding the limitations of an always evolving science can prepare us for the inevitable times that science doesn't quite answer every question, and even those times the science seems to change. Enjoy this lively, Math-Free, discussion of how science works to guide practice, how we can learn from other professions that face many similar challenges, and how to think about all this with an open mind and a level head so you can be a more effective consumer of science.
69. What's the True Story? The Value of Disaggregated Data in Decision-making | PBIS 2023

69. What's the True Story? The Value of Disaggregated Data in Decision-making | PBIS 2023

01:12:56 minutes
MTSS is a framework grounded in data-based decision making. When MTSS teams evaluate office discipline referrals, special education identification, access to advanced placement courses, the ability to disaggregate data becomes imperative. Without this process, decisions and actions may lead to misinterpretation and missing the voices and experiences of historically underserved learners. This session will focus on methods of disaggregating data and how it informs equitable practices, inclusivity and spaces of belonging.
70. Comprehensive Inclusive Education Programs: General Education and the Inclusive IEP | PBIS 202370. Comprehensive Inclusive Education Programs: General Education and the Inclusive IEP | PBIS 2023

70. Comprehensive Inclusive Education Programs: General Education and the Inclusive IEP | PBIS 202370. Comprehensive Inclusive Education Programs: General Education and the Inclusive IEP | PBIS 2023

01:11:03 minutes
Creating comprehensive inclusive education programs for students with disabilities happens when a student’s educational program focuses on the learning opportunities in general education (Tier 1) across the whole day and specially designed instruction to support individual learning needs across all tiers of MTSS. This session covers the process of creating a comprehensive inclusive education program beginning with a vision for the student, developing an IEP that is grounded in participation in Tier 1 instruction, using the Everyday-at-a-Glance tool to integrate a student’s IEP goals with the general education schedule, team collaboration and co-planning, and data collection.
70. Teaching Summarizing to Support Comprehension and Develop Writing ... | 2022 Literacy Symposium

70. Teaching Summarizing to Support Comprehension and Develop Writing ... | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:53:40 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 70. Teaching Summarizing to Support Comprehension and Develop Writing Skills Participants in this workshop will learn why summarizing has been identified through research as highly effective for developing both comprehension and writing. Practical suggestions for explicit teaching of summary writing based on text and non-text sources will be shared, including scaffolds.
71. Implementing MTSS Strategies During the Impossible | 2022 Literacy Symposium

71. Implementing MTSS Strategies During the Impossible | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:56:21 minutes
Access all of the sessions at We implemented new strategies during the most chaotic school year and saw student growth.
71. So Much Data, So Little Time! Assessing Your Core AND Tiered Supports within an ... | PBIS 2023

71. So Much Data, So Little Time! Assessing Your Core AND Tiered Supports within an ... | PBIS 2023

01:11:48 minutes
71. So Much Data, So Little Time! Assessing Your Core AND Tiered Supports within an MTSS Framework We often find ourselves challenged not by the amount of data, but how we efficiently use that data to know what's working and what's not in our schools. Does this sound like you? If so, join this session to learn about ways to capitalize on your use of existing PVAAS and other K-12 data across your tiered supports within an MTSS framework. Discussions will focus on key data from multiple sources, with an emphasis on PVAAS diagnostic reporting, that can inform your decisions about how to best allocate resources and assess if both your core instruction and your tiered supports are supporting the intended outcomes of student achievement and growth. Time will be allotted for participants to review their own LEA/district and school data with this perspective in mind.

72. 10 Years of Progress: A Reflection on PBIS Expansion in Pennsylvania (Closing Keynote)

00:33:23 minutes
The 2016-17 school year marks the 10 year anniversary of the initial installation and scale-up of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS). The PBIS efforts are supported by the Bureau of Special Education, via the PaTTAN system, in partnership with member agencies of Pennsylvania’s Community of Practice (CoP) for School Based Behavioral Health (SBBH). This session highlights the role of the CoP and the growth of PBIS in Pennsylvania. This session will also feature the evolution of focused projects including culturally responsive approaches to managing PBIS, integration of the Student Assistance Program with advanced tier core teams, family engagement at the core team level, and collaboration with Systems of Care via the Pennsylvania Safe Schools-Healthy Students Partnership. During these closing comments celebrate with the PA Positive Behavior Support (PaPBS) Network the impact of PBIS in both program-wide and school-based settings.