CS Educator Toolkit CS Family Toolkit Community Practice

Micro-Credential Program

The micro-credential program contains a collection of independent, self-paced courses designed for educators seeking to dig deeper into specific CS professional learning topics.

The program supports K-8 educators who are interested in exploring resources and opportunities to expand CS education, whether as stand-alone classes or by integrating CS concepts and practices into other content-area instruction. In each course, participants will explore relevant CS resources and develop a standards-aligned lesson activity and/or action plan to expand CS learning opportunities for their students.

Participants may enroll in multiple courses based on their interests and availability. They are not expected to register for all courses or complete them in sequential order. Participants will receive Act 48 credit hours for each course in which they complete all course activities. All credit will be awarded at the end of the program term.

Registration is available and ongoing for the following courses

Foundational Course

CSinPA: Why, How and What?  Register here (2-hour course)

This 2-hour course is designed to support educators interested in computer science (CS) education. It aims to provide a fundamental understanding of CS education and examine the current landscape of CS education in Pennsylvania. During the course, participants will engage in discussions on the importance of CS education and explore relevant data and gain insights into essential CS education concepts. They will also explore strategies for integrating CS by examining the CS K-12 framework and CSTA standards.

  • Program Term Period #1: 11/09/2023 - 02/28/2024 
  • Program Term Period #2: 02/15/2024 - 06/29/202
​This course serves as a prerequisite for most of the other courses in the K-8 micro-credential program. You will receive a registration key immediately upon completing this online course, allowing you to register for the other courses.

CS Integration Series

This series includes several courses, each with a focus on integrating CS across specific subject areas. Available coruses in this series: 

Using Music to Engage Students in CS Learning

Register here (4-hour course)

This 4-hour course is designed to support educators in utilizing music as a tool to engage students in computer science (CS) learning. Participants will discover opportunities for using CS to reinforce core concepts in music education, as well as using music to reinforce key CS concepts. Participants will explore resources and strategies for integrating cross-content connections in music and computer science instruction. Educators will set a goal and share artifacts to demonstrate their progress in developing and implementing a lesson activity.

  • Program Term Period #1: 11/09/2023 - 02/28/2024 
  • Program Term Period #2: 02/15/2024 - 06/29/2024

This course has a prerequisite: CSinPA: Why, how and what? Or Equivalent (CSinPA K-8 Pathway) Please Fill out the form to obtain a registration key.


Upcoming Courses in Development

  • CS integration Series: ELA
  • CS integration Series: Math
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Series
  • Cybersecurity Series 
  • Supporting Students with Disabilities in CS Learning Series 
  • Data Science Series 

In order to provide the best and most current resources and information, we continually revise our CSinPA Toolkits. You can contribute to the toolkit by submitting your questions, revisions, or resources using this form.