April 15, 2019
Accountability requirements under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA) regarding secondary transition mandate each state to determine, for the state as a whole, the extent to which students are achieving transition outcomes as stated in their IEPs (Indicator 14). To meet this federal reporting requirement, once over a five-year period, each school district is required to survey all student leavers who had IEPs (graduates, dropouts, and students who age out). This session will provide target LEA´s, special education administrators, and IU transition consultants information regarding the Pennsylvania Post School Outcome Survey (PaPOS) and the requirements for completing the PaPOS Post School Survey.
Title of Training: PaPOS Post-School Survey Overview and Procedural Training
Presenter: PaTTAN Educational Consultant
Training Date: 04/17/2019
Topics: Secondary Transition