With Your Teacher and School

Remember, leading your IEP (Individualized Education Program) is not a one-time event but an ongoing journey. Below you will find ideas on how to start your student-led IEP journey. Choose which one works for you. You can pick a different one at another time! It's up to you!

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Talk about the IEP process.

  • Why do you have an IEP?
  • What is the purpose of an IEP?
  • What are the timelines/due dates of an IEP?
  • What should an IEP do for you?
  • What do people talk about in the IEP?
  • Practice how you would explain the IEP process to someone.
  • Look at the IEP paperwork and find out what is in each section.
  • Know the IEP Team.
  • Learn the names and faces of everyone on the IEP team.

Come up with ideas of how you would like to become involved in the IEP process

  • What parts of the IEP process do you want to learn more about?
  • Is there something you would like to try to do in your IEP process - an interview, poster, collage, video, slides, essay - and how can this fit in the process about you?
  • What can you do, show, say, or create to express your thoughts?
  • Ask for help to practice the best way to share these thoughts with the IEP team

Create a plan to get it done

  • Schedule time with a teacher to get started and practice
  • Schedule your own time to work on it and gather information
  • Talk about how to show you need a break in the IEP meeting and how long you want to stay in the meeting.
  • Ask questions if you do not understand something.
  • Let the team know if you agree or disagree with what the other team members are saying.
  • Review the supports that are listed in your IEP so you know what they are and how to use them when you need them.
  • Discuss what you want to do for next year’s IEP process and meeting .

Make a plan to keep track of your IEP goals

  • How are you getting and understanding the information about your goals?
  • What are the steps to reach the goals?
  • Where are you now and where do you want to be?
  • When will you look at this information and talk about the plan to reach your goals?
  • What do you need to do next to get closer to your goal?