With Your Family

Need some ideas on how to work with your family on your student-led IEP?

Below you will find ideas on how to start your student-led IEP journey. Choose which one works for you. You can pick a different one at another time! It's up to you!

Discussing your IEP Journey

  • Tell your family that you are participating in the IEP process and leading part of the IEP meeting.
  • Practice what you want to do, show, or create with them.
  • Explain the IEP process and how you are being part of it.
  • Ask your family members for their ideas and opinions.
  • Invite them to come to the IEP team meeting.
  • Ask them what they think went well in the IEP meeting and what could go better.
  • Show how you are keeping track and reaching your IEP goals.
  • Talk about how you can be more involved in your IEP process next year.