With Administration

For Administrators & Educators: With Administration

Want to take this school wide?

Look at some ideas about working with your school administration. Use the data on SLIEPs to guide you in your conversations. Below you will find ideas on how to start the student-led IEP process. Choose which one works for you, and them, now. You can pick a different one at another time! It's up to you!

school administrators decorative image

Talk with administrators about the benefits, data, and possibilities of the SLIEP process for all students

  • Establish ‘buy-in’ to implement the student-led IEP process with a student, grade level, case load or special education department.
  • Explain the steps and benefits of the student-led IEP process.
  • Introduce the concept to all involved staff.
  • Gather materials.
  • Plan professional development to introduce, promote, explain the timeline, outline the structure, and answer questions.

Build a Team

  • Contact the members of the IEP school team.
  • Schedule time for the staff to work with students as they prepare and practice.

Complete the 'Today, Tomorrow, & Beyond: SLIEP Assessment of Practices' tool.

  • Focus on a component and element for improvement.
  • Build your action plan.
  • Implement the action plan.
  • Enable a method of feedback to gather successes and challenges from participating staff.
  • Update the administration to celebrate the successes of the students and the growing partnerships with families.
  • Plan for next year’s growth and continuation of the implementation of the SLIEP process.