Schools on Your Own

Looking For Ways to Get Started On your Own?

Below you will find ideas on how to start the Student-led IEP process. Choose which one works for you, now. You can pick a different one at another time! It's up to you!

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Explore the options of the SLIEP process

  • Research the student-led IEP process and data that is available with online sources.
  • Practice explaining the steps and benefits of the student-let IEP process.
  • Be aware that it may seem new or ‘scary’ to have the student involved in the IEP process.(It is fine to feel this way!)
  • Embrace the opportunity for them to learn to self-advocate and speak up for themself.
  • Realize that any child of any age can do something in the IEP process. Their practice using advocacy skills in school will help them succeed in the future.

Check out the Inclusive Practices Hub!

It is a collection of resources related to least restrictive environment, supplementary aids and services, and Universal Design for Learning.

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SLIEPs are a perfect match so support inclusion and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)! Explore the options of SLIEPs with UDL.