Student-Led IEP Process

Do you want to learn more about the Student-Led IEP Process (SLIEP)? Use this page to answer your questions on who, what, when, where, why, and how you can be part of the Student-Led IEP Process!

Who can be part of the Student-Led IEP process ?
What is an IEP?
When should you start the SLIEP process ?
Where should you start the SLIEP process ?
Why is the SLIEP process worth it?

Why should an IEP become a Student-Led IEP ?

Because the Student-Led IEP process benefits EVERYONE!

Student-Led IEP Process: What’s In It for Students ?

Having an active part in your IEP process helps you:

  • Be a leader
  • Be a good communicator for yourself
  • Work with a team to solve problems
  • Focus on how to reach your goals
  • Take responsibility for your learning
  • Plan your future

Student-Led IEP Process: What’s In It for Administrators/Educators?

Supporting a student’s involvement in their IEP process helps you:

  • Have a greater sense of collaboration, partnership, and effective engagement with all IEP team members
  • Be more culturally aware and responsive with the student and family
  • Support the student to be more successful in their classroom learning, take ownership of their education, and gain needed skills for their future.
  • Feel less tension in IEP meetings and get to know and understand the student
  • Enjoy the student’s ability to showcase their growth, self-advocacy, and personal vision
  • Use the IEP process as a teaching tool in skill development and the transition process for the student.
Explore More for Ideas Administrators & Educators

Student-Led IEP Process: What’s In It for Families?

Supporting your child to lead their own IEP process helps you:

  • Understand the IEP process
  • Increase your input, and your child’s ideas, in the IEP process
  • Build partnerships with the entire IEP team
  • Grow your advocacy skills and your child’s self-advocacy skills
  • See your child’s current growth and envision the road ahead
  • Show your child’s abilities and keep the focus on your child’s plan for their future
Explore More Ideas for Families

How can an IEP be used in the Student-Led IEP process?

Check out these videos to learn more about the student-led IEP process and how to bring it to your school!

Video for Professionals

Video for Youth & Family

Want to share some SLIEP resources with friends, families, students, and school professionals?

Click on our resource flyers below and feel free to send them to anyone you know!

Engaging Families in the IEP Process

It is the responsibility of the school to engage families, but it can be unclear how to do this. This document will explore how schools can reframe the IEP process and take active steps to include families as educational partners.

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