Intensive Interagency

PaTTAN’s regional consultants serve as the primary resources in partnership with local education agencies working to meet students’ service/program needs. 

In addition, consultants collaborate with other child-serving agencies to provide intensive interagency coordination to students with disabilities whose school districts have determined that they cannot be appropriately educated in a public educational setting and who have waited more than 30 days for the provision of an appropriate educational placement.


VIDEO Presentation from the 2021 National Autism Conference

Presenters: Stacy Nonnemacher, Angela Fortney, and Andrea Layton, from the Office of Developmental Programs

County Connections and Post-School Outcomes: Supports Coordination Organization (SCO) Roles and Responsibilities



- Office Lead
- State Lead
Roni Russell PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Scott Semow PaTTAN - WEST
Gina Spicknall-Cook PaTTAN - EAST
Heather Poremba PaTTAN - WEST