The Special Education Process

                                                                                              Image of the Teacher Desk Reference: Practical Information for Pennsylvania's Teachers Special Education Overview.Clicking on the image will take you to the Publication page on the PaTTAN Website       

Special Education Forms with and Without Annotations. Click on image to go to PaTTAN Special Education Forms search page.

 Individualized Education Program, Annotated version, School Age


Your and Your Child's Rights

Parents Rights: Understanding the Procedural Safeguards Notice publication image.  Click on image to go to Publication                                                      

    Image of The Office doe Dispute Resolution (ODR). Click on image to go to the ODR site.                                                                                  ODR Achieving Positive Outcomes image.               

Image of the Procedural Safeguards Notice. Click on image to go to ODR Procedural Safeguards page.kon image to                                                         Image of the Visit the Office for Dispute Resolution (ODR) via Facebook. Click on image to go to Facebook page

image New Special Education Consultine.  live Chat, Need Help? Click here and start chatting with us! ODR now offers a Live Chat feature on its website,  From 8:30 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday, Consultline/Family Engagement specialists will answer questions live; enter your name and email address in prompt; and you'll be connected to a specialist.  If it is outside Live Chat operational hours, a ConsultLine/Family engagement specialist will follow up with a phone call the next business day.                                               PaTTANpod-Options to resolve differences between families and schools, including the recent change in the Special Education Mediation Process. Click on image to go to video