Secondary transition is the process of preparing students for life after they leave high school, including participation in post-secondary education or training, employment, and community living. These three areas are often referred to as “post-secondary outcomes” and are the driving force behind Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) written for students in high school.  The planning process is a collaborative effort between the student, family/caregiver, school team, and agency partners.



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- Office Lead
- State Lead
Amiris Dipuglia PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Jacki Lyster PaTTAN - EAST
Hillary Mangis PaTTAN - WEST
Laura Moran PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Ryan Romanoski PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Roni Russell PaTTAN - CENTRAL
James Wright PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Lisa Russo PaTTAN - EAST
Kimberly Cole PaTTAN - EAST
Cecil Crouch PaTTAN - WEST
Lisa Bolla PaTTAN - WEST
Jennifer Craig PaTTAN - WEST
Darla Bryant PaTTAN - WEST
Tim Knight PaTTAN - WEST
Lisa Schmidt PaTTAN - WEST
Hunter Steinitz PaTTAN - WEST