BrainSTEPS_Logo-4clr-(1).pngStudents return to school following Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) or Non-Traumatic Brain Injuries (nTBI) with unique and varied needs due to the sudden impact of the injury on the developing brain. The full effects of these brain injuries typically are not realized for several years, as the brain regions develop and mature over the years. Pennsylvania (PA) schools have access to the BrainSTEPS Program, an educational initiative of the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education via PaTTAN, the PA Department of Health, and
the Brain Injury Association of PA. BrainSTEPS is a Brain Injury School
Consulting Program consisting of Intermediate Unit teams comprised
of 300 educational consultants who utilize interventions designed from
researched-based practices to help schools support students with TBI.
For more information, contact:

Dr. Brenda Eagan-Johnson, EdD, CBIS-AP

BrainSTEPS State Director
Brain Injury School Consulting Program
Phone:  (724) 944-6542

For Publications & Videos - See below or Search in Publications or Videos using "Traumatic Brain Injury" or "BrainSTEPS" as the Key Words
