We greatly appreciate your role as a liaison between your educators, related staff, school districts, families, and The Pennsylvania Deaf-Blind Project.  As you know, when a student enters your program who has a low incidence disability like deaf-blindness, you need resources immediately.  Our goal is to provide you with “front-line” resources to share with educators and families to assist them with making connections. We will send you these resources annually with updated material. Please contact PaTTAN East if you need you need additional materials or have questions.

If this is your first year as a liaison for deaf-blindness please watch the orientation webinar “I Am A Deaf-Blind Liaison, What Do I Do Now” (45 min.)  The following are a list of resources in the liaison folder you may find beneficial in your role:
  • The Pennsylvania Deaf-Blind Brochure
  • Letter to share with families: Welcome Letter from Family Engagement Consultants
  • Communications Consideration for Children Who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf-Blind
  • Technology Resources for Students Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf-Blind
  • Students Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf-Blind: Safety Checklist for IEP Teams
  • Pennsylvania’s Approach to the National Agenda for the Children and Youths  with Visual Impairments, Deafblindness, and Visual and Multiple Disabilities –brochure
  • Answering Special Considerations for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
  • Dually Noted Newsletters
  • Secondary Transition Guide for Deaf-Blindness