Come experience sharing, caring, and learning together with staff from the Pennsylvania Deaf-Blind Project, PaTTAN, and other families living with deaf-blindness.
This annual conference provides an opportunity for families to learn and network with one another. If your child has both a vision and hearing loss, your family (parents/guardians, siblings and child with deaf-blindness) may be eligible to attend this weekend learning conference (at little or no cost).


Click here to learn more about this year's Family Learning Conference

image of a conference room full of people discussing things in small groups. In the front of the room is a woman talking to the front table with a baby in her arms.
This is annual event where families gather to network while participating in learning opportunities and activities focused on deaf-blindness. Families in Pennsylvania are eligible to attend if their child (ages birth to 21 years of age) has a combined loss of hearing and vision and is eligible for the Deaf-Blind Count. Families, children with deaf-blindness, and siblings are welcome to attend. Children’s activities are concurrent with adult sessions.

image of a group of people standing listening to a person who appears to be reading from a piece of paper image of a group of seated people who appear to be listening to a woman reading off a piece of paper with a child on her lap image of 2 adults (a man and a woman) and a group of children sitting on either side of a table 

image of 4 people seated at a table in a conference room while another woman kneels and appears to be talking to them image of 2 tables of people. At the first table it appears that a man and woman are working together.  The table behind it looks like the 4 people are all working individually.